
Strandhuis Kijkduin
Machiel Vrijenhoeklaan at beach entrance 2a
2554 ZZ The Hague
Tel. host: +31 (0)6-16636363
(if not available: +31 (0)6-19388603)

Address for satnavs:
Machiel Vrijenhoeklaan 175, The Hague. You’ll be directed to the nearby public car park.
Take exit 2a towards the beach and follow the “Kijkduin Strandhuisjes” signs. Yours is the last hut in the row, situated next to the Sailcenter clubhouse.
GPS: 52.064138, 4.211039

Car park:
Parking throughout Kijkduin is free of charge. Other nearby car parks are located at Machiel 
Vrijenhoeklaan, the Deltaplein or in the surrounding area.

Postal address:
Tuinstraat 64
3732VM De Bilt
Tel. +31 (0)30-2210568


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